Dislocated and broke my elbow for the third time within this last year. Surgery is inevitable now. Had a great time in Denver up until the last 3 days when my arm blew the fuck up while warming up at the Denver Park. After setting it again, I nursed my self with some booze and an old sling from my friend Nick's girlfriend who'd just gotten over a broken wrist. All seemed alright until a couple days went by and my arm hinge doubled in width and pain, thats when I learned I broke it all to shit too. I'll be getting a cadaver achilles tendon or two in there and officially be part zombie, oh well that's why I'm an organ donor.
Here's a pic of my mural getting started. I always forget to get the paint shaken and end up stirring for an hour or so. The black wasn't opaque enough so I had to go over all the black twice. Ah well, beer was supplied and it was good to focus on something creative while remembering Beau.
This was hung on my friend Chad's fridge
This was my first time shooting guns indoors since my hunter safety course when I was 12. Its kind of weird, loud, and expensive. Still kind of fun though-good call Chad.
Jack Darnell and Sarah Brown, long time friends and my dog Billie's other dad. Sara had a little eye accident so we send her a little package including this sexy eyepatch.
This is what happens when Billie doesn't have me around. Doggie fashion shows, like whoa.
The human cartoon
Billie has a way better life in SD with Jack. They live right across from Balboa Park and really close to its dog park. They also take her to Dog Beach a couple times a week. 10 years old and still killin' it.
Dope tree with hanging pod plant caccoons
Back to Distinction for the opening
Tamara, Pat, Mara, and Chad made it up to Escondido
Healed pirate and Jack Bent Spoon
Nate. Don't hate on the Red Sox around this dood.
Pat & Emerson
Aaron Kraten eating his lady's head
Aaron in front of his work. These'r some funny cats, had me rolling. I guess Aaron works with a good animator friend of mine from highschool Eric Laschelle.
Had this here group show at Pitzer College in Claremont (1 hr east of LA). Yay.
Decided to make a trip out of it and stay with Jim Darling and Tina Anderson whilst I was down there. This is Tina looking at boobs:
This is Tina not looking at boobs:
Tina made this whole table.
I had to get started on some pieces for my upcoming 4 person show at Distinction Gallery, so I grabbed up some floor space. Its nice to work in a space with a hairless floor (from cats, dogs, and maybe a little from me).