Another shitty reason to be in NYC (court) turned into another epic adventure. Can't wait to move here!?
Some bits shot with my crappy point and shoot of NYC adventuring and the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

Headed straight from JFK to meet up with my friend Jesse who was helping out with some video stuff in this upscale salon Arrojo (apparently from some tv shows) and ran into another friend, Katherine, right when I walked in. Here she is (right) with her homey Denise. It's on!

Jesse monitoring his Easy Rider montage projection.

Kelly's show.

Got pretty fucked up and scribbled this drawing in Jesse's book.

Some of Jesse's sketches.

Thinking about making this a thumb tattoo, so good!

Long ride over the Brooklyn Bridge and around the island.

Family playing volleyball in Battery Park with a nice backdrop.

New free waterfront skatepark with pool coping = good, helmets required = boo.

It really amazes me that our pinnacle of capitalism preserved all waterfront property for public spaces and use. Maybe there's hope.

Harlem people storage.

I'm guessing this was Shakespeare in the Park?

Had to go by Brooklyn Banks on the way back even though I'm unskateable (cracked rib).

Working on 'em.

Kristal and Ryan

Out to Coney Island for the Mermaid Parade.
Dan Vigil and I shot this video several years ago here in the winter. It was 12ยบ outside.

Recognize this dood from Triumph? Where's your filet of fish dragonmaster?

Keeping Coney Island free from the developers.

One cooler than Total Recall.

Baby Chark.

So this is what you do after college band.

Rock me Amadeus

Amadeus, Amadeus!

Metro card man

Lox & bagels.

The rides of Coney Isle.

The Mariner

Mer Maids, duh.

Not sure why a transformer was in there, but he was gett'n down, who cares.

Straight from a Jean-Pierre Jeunet flick. Futuristic post-apocolyptic sea voyagers hopefully have air conditioning.

Kristin and Sailor

Sunburnt, Beerburnt, and off to the Jeremy Fish and Josh Keyes shows at Joshua Liner Gallery.

Shark, Josh & Jeremy

U.S. as predator and prey

Damn! Those are some talented doods.

Kristal and Katherine

Denise again at Beauty Bar got us there and further.

Home Sweet Home (name of the bar, I'm not that much of a lush)

Soar with the mighty falcon til sunrise

The next day was useless, so I just walked around Brooklyn Heights and the Promenade. The Heights were the first established historic district in the states.


Went to five points to meet up with Logan and some of his Aussie friends in town.

Lady Pink


Waited out the rain for a few

Reference material


The Breakfast Club.

See you in October.
Wish I was there. Next time!?
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