
Till Death Do Us Part

Gallery Heist is pleased to announce its One Year Anniversary Show, “Till Death Do Us Part” a group exhibition celebrating a year of work since the gallery’s inception. The opening will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2010 from 7-11pm. The exhibition will be located at the Gallery Heist Annex at 1036 Hyde Street. A new venue specific to the anniversary show.

Brett Amory, Adam Caldwell, Seth Armstrong, Mario Wagner, David Choong Lee, Oliver Vernon, Daryll Peirce, Sean Desmond, Mike Giant, Mike Kershner, Gaia, Adam Flores, Justin Lovato, Ryan De LaHoz, Henry Gunderson, Mario Ayala, Roman Koval, Adam Rozan, Maja Ruznic, Ludo, Doodles, Helen Bayly, Miso, Deborah Yoon, Alison Buxton, Garrison Buxton, Ezra Li Eismont, Shawn Whisenant and Bunnie Reiss. These artists have come to represent what is and will continue to be the ethos of Gallery Heist.

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